Kate Knight Psychotherapy Coaching Counselling

People come to counselling, psychotherapy and coaching for many reasons, both personal and work-related. 

With workplace stress, burnout, anxiety and depression on the increase, are you struggling to lead a happy, fulfilled, productive life?

  • Do you feel unable to achieve your potential or to build and maintain constructive relationships?

  • Have you been a victim of bullying, unconscious bias, discrimination, or prejudice including ageism?

  • Is your goal of a healthy work-life balance hampered by corporate culture, pressure to work long hours, fear of failure or a felt need to prove yourself in a new role?

  • Are you facing significant life changes such as redundancy, relocation, retirement, divorce or bereavement?

  • Are you wondering how you can make your life more meaningful and live according to your values?

  • Do you lack confidence to be your authentic self?

Are you aware that you may be self-sabotaging and that self-limiting beliefs may be getting in the way of your achieving the calm, happy, balanced life you want? All of these issues can take a toll on your emotional well-being and all are reasons why you might seek support.

How can psychotherapeutic counselling or coaching help?

One of the most important aspects of psychotherapy is the relationship you form with your therapist. So, it is important to choose a therapist or coach you feel comfortable working with. Through this relationship, you will go on a journey of self-discovery, building your self-awareness, and understanding how your thoughts, feelings and behaviours impact the way you handle emotional turmoil and distress or address life’s challenges. 

If you are looking for psychotherapeutic counselling please use the following button to contact me.

How can coaching help?

My coaching approach is based on a belief that if organisations are to thrive, the individuals within the organisation need to be encouraged and supported to reach their full potential.

If you are looking to gain perspective, clarify goals and identify obstacles and problematic behaviours in order to achieve the said goals please use the following button to contact me.


Kate Knight Psychotherapeutic Counselling and Coaching
